Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive wellness treatment that helps the body to heal - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) “Spiritual or Sacred” and (Ki) “Energy(air)”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion.
Reiki is a spiritual energy that flows through all living things. Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use Reiki to strengthen their energy to help others.
During a Reiki treatment, the body’s energy is rebalanced, enabling the whole body to be treated. A Reiki session can help ease tension, relieve stress and support the body to facilitate an environment for inner healing. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness.
Wear clean, loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. You may wish to wear natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, or silk. Remove your shoes, jewellery, and glasses before your session, and keep your phone switched off or leave it behind.
A typical Reiki session, at iamlightenergyreiki, is either 45, 60 or 90 minutes. During your initial consultation, we will discuss the treatment process and review your expectations or intentions for the session. Let me know about any symptoms you want addressed or if there are places in the body on which you’d like me to focus. Also, let me know if you have any injuries or places that are sensitive to touch.
You will lie down on a heated massage table and be covered with a blanket. Soft, relaxing music is played in the background and essential oils are diffused to promoting a sense of peace and relaxation. The room is dimly lit with Himalayan salt & Selenite crystal lamps and candles.
For the most part, I limit my communication during the session, but you are encouraged to let me know if there’s something you need to feel more comfortable or to share what you’re experiencing.
During the session, I will move around the massage table and lightly touch or hover my hands over specific and intuitively guided areas of your body.
You may experience sensations in the body such as heat, chills, tingling and even goosebumps. My hands often heat up as a result of the energy flowing through my palms. Client’s frequently feel sleepy as the Reiki energy soothes and calms pent-up emotional tension and stress. Some people report seeing colours, pictures, hearing inner voices or having past memories appear.
Reiki sensations can be very subtle and may even be overlooked, but with recurring practice most people notice slight shifts of energy. Try to allow whatever arises to pass without attaching too much meaning to it. Your experiences may become deeper the more you continue with Reiki.
The session will be closed with the playing of an authentic Tibetan singing bowl. We will also review your chakra health, and any clairsentient messages that came up.
BONUS: The 60-, 90-, and distance Reiki sessions will now receive a bonus Oracle card pull.
Slow down. Be gentle. Rest. Be kind to yourself. Embrace your emotions!
Drink plenty of water
A Reiki session triggers a detoxification process. Drinking water will help wash away the released build-up of toxins from your body. Experiencing thirst after a healing is healthy. It is your body letting you know it's working hard to flush away unwanted toxins.
Take a 20-minute Epsom Salts Bath
After your session, you may be given a customized Epsom salt & essential oil bath soak. Epsom Salt is a great detoxifier. It is recommended that you use the custom blend on the day of your session and only soak for 20-minutes for the greatest benefit.
After your session, it is important to slow down. Try to schedule your session on a quiet day, when you have no prior commitments. It is also a great idea to disconnect from technology for the rest of the day, if at all possible. If your Reiki session has left you feeling tired or sleepy, then listen to your body. Take a nap! Get the rest your body is requesting and allow it’s healing abilities to take charge. The first few days after a Reiki session are crucial, as your immune system is being strengthened and your body is finding balance.
Go on a Nature Walk
If you experience a burst of energy or restlessness after your Reiki treatment, your body could be signaling that physical movement is needed to aid in its healing process. Post-Reiki treatment is an ideal time to enjoy a refreshing and rejuvenating walk in nature.
Allow Your Emotions To Flow
A Reiki session can trigger deep emotional healing. This may be a pleasant experience or, sometimes, not so pleasant. Allow yourself to feel without repression. This will allow healing on a very deep level.
The release of built-up energy during a Reiki healing can bring a rise to a rush of emotions, thoughts and feelings. Writing down those thoughts and experiences in a journal can help you sort through and let-go of unwanted energies.
Be Patient and Observe
Sometimes the results from a session are not immediate. It may take a few days or even weeks. It is very important to not get lost in impatience, doubt or self-criticism. Healing will happen on its own schedule.
Canadian Reiki Association -
International Association of Reiki Professionals -
The International Center for Reiki Training -
Dr Mehmet Oz, a renowned cardiovascular surgeon, Recommends Reiki
Dr. Oz Reiki Stamford CT and Oprah Jan 6, 2010
Energy Healing on CNN int’l with Carolyn Coleridge
Medical News Today: What is Reiki and How Does It Work?
Cleveland Clinic: What is Reiki? And Does It Actually Work?
WebMD: What is Reiki?
Dr. Mikao Usui
Iam Light Energy Reiki
1880 Woodgate Court, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7Z2, Canada
Copyright © 2020 Iam Light Energy Reiki - All Rights Reserved.
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