In the Ayurvedic tradition, Chakra is a Sanskrit term for ‘wheel’. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that vitalize the body. Humans have over 100 chakras throughout the body. There are seven major chakras that include the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakra. These major chakras are located in the astral body and run along the spine, starting at the base and running up to the top of the head.
Each of these energy centers spin at their own frequency creating light that supports our auric fields. Each Chakra is connected to different physical and energetic aspects of the body and is noted for the coloir that its frequency vibrates at. Our upper chakras vibrate at higher frequencies reflecting cooler colours such as Violet, Indigo, Blue and Green. Our lower chakras vibrate at lower frequencies reflecting warmer colours Yellow, Orange and Red. The Chakras and layers of the aura are closely related to our physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Chakras absorb universal life force energy and sends it to the parts of the body that they govern for nourishment. When someone’s chakra becomes imbalanced, the life force energy cannot be moved out to the body. This can lead to physical and mental aliments due to a decrease in energy flow to that location.
The Crown Chakra is the seventh of the primary chakras. It is located above the top of your head. and seeks to deepen our connection to our higher selves and Source.
The Third Eye (Brow) Chakra is the sixth of the primary chakras. It is located between the eyebrows and is the center of innate intelligence and intuitiion. Its purpose is pattern recognition and seeking meaning, truth, and freedom.
The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the primary chakras. It is located over the area of the neck and functions to help us speak our truth and feelings, and express ourselves creatively.
The Heart Chakra is the fourth of the primary chakras. It is located in center of your chest. It connects your upper & lower chakras and functions to keep the life force alive, both physically and emotionally.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of the primary chakras. It is located just above the belly button under the diaphragm. The Solar Plexus Chakra is related to self-value, self-esteem, and confidence.
The Sacral Chakra is the second of the primary chakras. It is located just below the belly button near the sacrum. The Sacral Chakra promotes our ability to enjoy life and pleasure. It controls our creativity, emotions and is deeply influenced by our beliefs about pleasure and sexuality.
The Root Chakra is the first of the primary chakras. It is located in the perineum at the base of the spine. The Root Chakra provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. It is also responsible for your sense of security and stability.
Crown chakra
Third Eye chakra
Throat chakra
Heart chakra
Solar Plexus chakra
Sacral chakra
Root chakra
Chakra balancing is basically a transference of energy that results in a more stable flow of energy and state of being. During a chakra balancing session, a healer may use their hands or a pendulum to feel and determine the energy at each chakra. They will then help to move the energy around. The session is usually relaxing, and some people may feel sleepy or energized afterward.
Wear clean, loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. You may wish to wear natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, or silk. Remove your shoes, jewellery, and glasses before your session, and keep your phone switched off or leave it behind.
You will lie down on a heated massage table and be covered with a blanket. Soft, relaxing music is played in the background and essential oils are diffused to promoting a sense of peace and relaxation. The room is dimly lit with Himalayan salt & Selenite crystal lamps and candles.
Similar to a Reiki session, I limit my communication during the session, but you are encouraged to let me know if there’s something you need to feel more comfortable or to share what you’re experiencing.
During the session, I will use my pendulum to sense energy imbalances in each chakra. Once established, I will work to balance and set your bodies energy flowing smoothly through your auric body and meridians.
You may experience sensations in the body such as heat, chills, tingling and even goosebumps. My hands often heat up as a result of the energy flowing through my palms. Client’s frequently feel sleepy as the energy begins to flow and calms pent-up emotional tension and stress. Some people report seeing colours, pictures, hearing inner voices or having past memories appear.
Sensations can be very subtle and may even be overlooked, but with recurring practice most people notice slight shifts of energy. Try to allow whatever arises to pass without attaching too much meaning to it.
After a chakra balancing session, prioritize self-care by drinking plenty of water, resting, and allowing yourself gentle time to integrate the healing work. You may also experience physical or emotional shifts, so be mindful of your body and emotions.
Iam Light Energy Reiki
1880 Woodgate Court, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7Z2, Canada
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